We Know Video

Production for
modern day brands.

WKV is a leading video production agency.

A Sydney video production agency, servicing Australia-wide and beyond. We specialise in storytelling, scroll-stopping video content.

“It’s great to know we have a team behind us who can produce such great content, that we can really rely on.”

“At every step of the project, we felt like we were working with the right team.”

“A solutions based company that deliver great creative work to budget and to schedule.”

“You nailed the creative direction from the brief, and were extremely efficient in your approach.”

WKV is a full service video production agency

Trusted by the world’s leading brands and businesses

Working with WKV-O is always a joy. They are incredibly professional and skilled in their areas of expertise, from script writing, to pre-production, to post-production. They are very creative, collaborative, quick to understand briefs, and ask well-observed questions when clarity is needed.

Andy El Bayeh, We Are Example

Working with the team has been an absolute pleasure. I’ve found them to be knowledgeable, approachable and more than enthusiastic to help. They took on a very challenging brief from us – with a very tight timeframe and budget, however they nailed the creative direction from the brief.

Igor Kogan, Campaign Manager, The NRMA

I highly recommend the team. They’re a solutions-based video production agency that deliver great creative work to budget and to schedule, that both agency and clients are thrilled with.

Zoe Paulsen, M&C Saatchi

Supercharge your sales efforts with video production

  • Improve ROI by 66% with video marketing
  • Outperform your image ads by 3-5x
  • Increase website conversions by 80%
  • Boost site viewing time by 88%

Scroll-stopping video that makes you feel something

Company Stories

A company story video has the power to emotionally connect with customers better than any other format. When businesses ask for advice on getting started with video, we say: start with the story of how your business came to be. Let the ‘why’ behind what you do shine through.


When you need to break down denser subjects in a digestible manner, or simply wish to engage, entertain and emotionally connect with your audience, animation is your friend. From animated explainer films to advertisements using animated elements, we know animation.

Event Video

A quality event video or highlights reel can amplify the impact and success of an event, extend audience engagement, and increase audience reach. From corporate event videos, award ceremony videos, PR launch events, food, sports and music events and more; we know event video.

Branded Content

From short films, narrative-driven social advertisements, viral videos, documentaries, How-To’s, event video, experiential marketing video and more, We Know Video specialises in branded content marketing that sells through the power of story.

Social Video

We understand how your social video content will be consumed and shared, and we integrate these factors into our video production processes. We can help increase sales, ROI and brand awareness while communicating your brand story in the most effective, and engaging way.

Testimonial Video

Customers don’t just like video testimonials, they seek them out. With a wealth of information at their fingertips, the average customer today is far better informed when it comes to making purchasing decisions. Can you afford to lose customers by not having video testimonials on your website?

Recruitment Video

When it comes to hiring staff, your company culture matters most. Sure, competitive salary packages will attract candidates too, but your company culture is what attracts quality candidates – and what will keep them there for the long haul. Recruitment videos lead to stronger employee engagement, reduced staff turnover, and higher productivity.

Explainer Video

Whether you’re looking to put a product on the map for the first time or simply explain your existing product or service in a more succinct way; our team of video production specialists use the latest video, animation, and digital production techniques to deliver high-caliber, cutting edge explainer videos guaranteed to command (and retain) attention.

News & Insights

How to Create a Winning 2025 Video Strategy. An Expert Guide

In today’s digital age, video content reigns supreme as a powerful tool for engaging audiences and driving meaningful connections. Whether you’re in the swing of marketing plans for the new financial year or planning your next big video campaign – we share our expert tips for how to create winning video content that’ll drive ROI.…

How to Create Videos That Stand Out From The Crowd

Video content is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to reaching your target audience and driving conversions.  However, creating videos that stand out from the crowd and effectively communicate your brand’s message requires a strategic approach and can be challenging.  In this article, we’ll share key insights and tactics to help you create compelling,…

Why We Set Out to Create the Best Video Marketing Agency

In this article we share We Know Video’s origin story and the insights we’ve learned along the way after 10+ years of business, working alongside brands like Canva, Uber, Adobe, Nike and more, and discuss what inspired us to want to launch the best video marketing agency in Australia.

Why Your Video Case Study Fails and How We Fix It To Generate More Conversions

Showcasing real-life examples of how your product or service has helped a customer overcome a challenge or achieve success through a video case study constitutes one of the most powerful ways to build trust and credibility with your potential customers. With case study videos, businesses can: But creating a good case study video requires more…

How to boost business productivity with a killer company culture video

When it comes to hiring staff, your company culture matters most. Sure, competitive salary packages will attract candidates too, but your company culture is what attracts quality candidates – and more importantly, what will keep them there for the long haul (or keep them on the lookout for the next opportunity). And what’s the most…

5 Reasons You Need an Explainer Video

As we often say here at We Know Video, if you’re only making one video this year, make it an explainer video (unless you already have one, which let’s assume you don’t, given you’ve clicked on this article). Let’s dive into why we believe explainer videos are so key when it comes to business success……

Instagram Reels: Are They a Fit For Your Brand?

Instagram’s answer to TikTok has now been hailed as the company’s ‘fastest-growing content format by far,’ and the biggest contributor to growth on both Instagram and Facebook over the past year. So, when it comes to your own marketing strategy, should you throw your hat in the Reels ring? We share some key insights to…

5 Reasons Video Should Score Centre Stage in Your Social Campaigns

The rise of video across social media shows no sign of slowing down. As Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri says, video is still “driving an immense amount of growth online for all major platforms”. Basically, if your aim is to grow your company or brand’s presence online, you need to start creating video content, like…

Level Up Your Marketing with A Solid Video Strategy

In 2024, video isn’t just content; it’s the linchpin of a dynamic marketing strategy. As we welcome a brand new year, it’s imperative to craft a well-considered video content strategy that speaks to your audience, amplifies engagement and boosts brand visibility. We Know Video shares our top tips when it comes to creating a video…

How To Write An Explainer Video Script

With the ability to boost sales by up to 73%, and increase your Google search ranking by around 53%, an explainer video is one of the most important assets in your sales and marketing tool kit. However, in explainer film land, when it comes to creating a quality explainer that will garner real, tangible results,…

All The Feels = All The Sales. Why Your Business Needs A Company Story Video

Thoughtful, considered video storytelling can give your business a competitive advantage by building stronger connections with your customers and creating positive brand experiences from the outset. When businesses come to us for advice on getting started with video, we always say: start with the story. Let the ‘why’ behind what you do shine through. After…

5 Pro Tips for Creating Stellar Product Videos

Product videos are fast becoming one of the most essential vehicles for startups and tech companies when launching a new product, testing the market, and raising investment. As they say, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a product video could be worth a thousand sales. That’s because viewers are 64-85% more likely to…

How-To Promote Your Business And Drive Sales Through The Humble How-To Video.

In 2021, do it yourself (DIY) and how-to video content is absolutely booming. Latest stats show, ‘How to’ related search terms on YouTube grew 70% year over year. That’s some pretty powerful stuff. And in the current landscape, with more people spending time at home than ever before – educational content searches are set to…

Top 3 Video Marketing Mistakes Every Business Should Avoid

There’s no denying it, in 2020, incorporating video as an integral part of your marketing strategy is not just recommended, it’s an absolute necessity. In fact, nearly 9 in 10 companies use video as a marketing tool today. Rather than creating a single standalone video asset, video marketing allows your business or brand to get…

The 4 Key Pillars Of Video Marketing

There’s no denying it, consumers love video. According to Zenith, the average person spends 84 minutes a day watching online video. Marketers are scrambling to meet this ever-increasing demand for video, with 87% of businesses now using video as a marketing tool, with 83% of those businesses reporting that video brings a significant return on…

Corporate Video Production Do’s and Dont’s

In today’s climate, corporate video is booming. Recent studies found that including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by up to 80%. Further, including video in an email or eDM has the ability to increase click-through rates by 200-300 percent. Pretty powerful stuff right?  Whether you’re new to corporate video production or…

Got An Upcoming Video Appearance? Here’s How To Act Natural On Camera

Got an upcoming on-camera appearance and a bit of a novice? No fear, while it may seem daunting, feeling like a natural on camera really isn’t as hard as many people think. We work with tons of ‘real people’ (non actors) across our video productions, on everything from video testimonials to company culture videos, explainer…

Our Top Five Tips For Creating A Killer Social Media Video Strategy

By 2021, up to 82% of internet traffic will come from video. Let that sink in for a moment. But what does that mean for your business or brand’s marketing strategy? Basically, if you’re not regularly creating and sharing videos across social media, you’ll get left behind. We’re not about to let that happen. Here…

Maximise Your Video Campaign Success Using S.M.A.R.T. Goals

As they say, video is the vehicle , but  your marketing strategy should power your message. Before you jump head-first into making your video, it’s crucial you determine your primary goal from the get-go. This will help to keep your content focused, and will make the success of your video much easier to measure.  We get…

How Video Consumption has Changed in 2021

There’s no real surprise that in 2021, consumers are demanding more video than ever before, and marketers are falling over themselves to satiate their needs. The increasing demand for video content is partly due to the Millenial/Gen Z consumer market, who are more engaged with the internet than those generations who came before them, and…

The First 3 Videos Every Business Should Make

Is your business relatively new to video marketing? It may seem overwhelming knowing just where to start, but it doesn’t have to be. Our suggestion? Start with the videos that will bring the most value to your business, that you can use across all stages of the customer journey. In our expert opinion, below are…

Social Video Advertising Advice During COVID-19

Navigating this ever-changing landscape can be tricky, and you may be left wondering what to do next when it comes to social media marketing and advertising in the current climate. We share some advice on social video and advertising strategies to help get your business in a solid position for recovery. Keep consistent and extend…

5 Reasons Why Video Is Still The Undisputed King Of Marketing

Latest stats show, 72% of people prefer watching video over text when learning about a new product or service; and one in four consumers lose interest in a company that doesn’t have video. With these figures favouring video content continuing to soar year-after-year, there’s no denying it, video is still the king of marketing. Though…


Latest stats show, 72% of people prefer watching video over text when learning about a new product or service; and one in four consumers lose interest in a company that doesn’t have video. With these figures favouring video content continuing to soar year-after-year, there’s no denying it, video is still the king of marketing

Start by filling in our Quote Request Form, or sending through an email/giving us a call, and our Video Production Sydney experts will be happy to walk you through the process. It helps to have a video brief to start, to give us a better understanding of what you’re looking to do, the deadlines/timelines, locations, outputs, budget you have to work with, etc. 

It’s OK if you haven’t got a brief just yet – we’ve put together a simple project briefing questionnaire to help you devise one, which features all the relevant questions we’ll need to quote on your project. Alternatively, if you’d simply like to chat with one of our video production specialists, we’re happy to walk through your project over the phone with you.

At We Know Video Production Sydney, our projects range from $5K to $100K+. As video production is a highly scalable service, part of our process is determining where you’ll get the most value when it comes to your video efforts, and working the numbers accordingly to ensure you get the most bang for your budget.

Of course! We’re a full-service video production company, offering the whole suite of content development services including strategy, creative ideation, scripting, storyboarding, and all other pre-production services. When it comes to creative concept, whether you’ve got a rough idea or no idea, we’ll work together to create strategic, inspired storytelling content that’s geared for greater ROI.

While not every video production project will require a voiceover, should you require this, we have access to a wide range of voiceover resources from more affordable options to premium service providers, depending on your budget. We’ll discuss these options with you during the quoting phase.


While not every project is the same, generally speaking, our video production agency process looks a little something like this.
Strategy and ideation – We build a creative roadmap for your project, amongst components like scripts, shot-lists, interview prompts and location research.
Pre-production – Once all creative is tip top – our Producer steps in, schedules our shoot date(s) and locks in all facets of the production: from crew and equipment management to casting talent (if relevant) and all other organisational tasks to ensure smooth sailing on shoot day.
Production (shoot day) – Shoot day looks a little different project-to-project, depending on the type and scale of your production. For example, a small product shoot will look different from a large-scale  TVC. But one thing remains the same across all our shoots: they’re a lotta fun.
Post-production (Editing) – It’s now our post-production dream team’s time to shine. Following a detailed edit brief, they organise and trawl through hours of footage, unearthing those nuggets of film gold to weave together to put together a rough cut. Once ready, we share the first edit; and you share your feedback.
Final delivery – After we’ve made all final changes and polished the video off with things like sound design and mixing, music licensing, and colour grading (including fixing colour, exposure and contrast to make those final visuals pop) we send the final video for delivery, optimised in the requested formats and delivered digitally. 

Aside from sales and marketing, video can be hugely effective for a variety of business purposes, including explainer videos, video case studies, company story videos, customer video testimonials, social video, videos to introduce and humanise a business (for potential clients or perhaps even to recruit great staff – such as company culture videos) and more.

While every project is different, our Sydney video agency is able to handle all facets of the project for you should you prefer, or welcome your close collaboration. We’ll guide you through our process and encourage you to share information, ideas and feedback along the way, to ensure the final video is aligned with your vision and ticks all your boxes.

While we approach this on a case-by-case basis and prioritise projects with hard deadlines, four to eight weeks is average for corporate video production or a commercial. Social videos are often needed to be turned around much quicker, and we can certainly accommodate. Require a super quick-turnaround? Throw it at our Sydney video agency team and we’ll talk.

In terms of background music tracks, we’re able to source a suitable track from our trusted go-to royalty-free music libraries or alternatively when budget allows, we also have access to a strong network of premium music composers who can create a bespoke track for your project.